Friday 8 March 2013

Give Us a Spin!

Hey guys! So coming up in my life is the middle school prom (I bet most of you who are older than me are going "Laaaaame. High school prom is sooooo much better!" and all others who are younger or the same age as me are going "OMGOMGOMGOMG! This is so exciting!!") and - I think that I'm speaking for all girls here - the dress might me one of the most exciting parts of the whole event. Now personally, I am a bit of a tomboy which means that it is literally THE HARDEST THING to find... EVER. I really really really want to wear a dress (because I am not a complete tomboy, you might say I'm a hybrid...) but I haven't liked ANY dresses I've seen so far! All of my friends have theirs and I'm in my corner rocking myself back and forth thinking If I don't get a move on, I'm going to be going to Prom in a dirty sweater and jeans! This thought terrifies me. Not really, but it makes it sound more dramatic... Anyway, so I talked to my mom the other day about this HUGE crisis that's happening in my life right now (because finding a dress for prom is way more important than exams. Totally.) and she suggested making my own. This might sound quite expensive or whatnot but according to my mom, it would be cheaper than buying a dress (in Europe, everything is ridiculously expensive. Especially clothes) and it would be the perfect size. It would be completely unique (none of that awkwardness when somebody has the same dress as you), there would be nothing that I don't like about it (because I designed it myself) and I can choose the fabric so that it will be nice and comfortable! So here are the designs I drew, they're different colors because I don't know which one to pick... The girl I drew looks like me (with slightly redder hair because I like red heads :3 ) so please leave a comment on what you think about it and which color you prefer... Can't make up my mind!!!!



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