Saturday, 29 December 2012

uh... hey...

Hey guys...

For all of you who read my last post, I KNOW, I lied, I'm sorry... I was supposed to make a post everyday until Thursday but I got busy... and tired... is that a good excuse? Let me explain, when they all arrived my cousins kidnapped me and tortured me with their eternal cuteness and games. When I wasn't playing with them I was busy eating chocolates and spending some quality time with my family which I don't see very often. And of course, since it's Christmas, I stayed up very very VERY late every night spending even more quality time with my family. So when I finally went to bed, I actually went to sleep (how could I?) because I was dead tired. 

So there. You are now allowed to judge me. Please don't be too harsh...   please...    don't look at me like that... It wasn't my fault!

So after all that judging you need to do, you might want to know what is going to happen next. To make it up to all of you I am going to do a somewhat brief summary of all four days in one post. If that's not good enough then... you creep me out... 

Anyway here are my last words before I start writing my Christmas post which I have the feeling is going to be very very very very long... daaaah, I don't feel like writing it. meh. So, for all of you who still think I'm not a huge disgrace to society, wish me good luck. I shall be needing it.

Oh, one last note, I made a twitter account for all of you twitter people who like to tweet things. Here is my user: @natsdaydream

OK, now, bye.

P.S: sorry!

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Coming up...

Hi there!!!

Happy that all of you are still alive after the tragic death of the earth we have experienced on the 21st of December 2012. May there be a minute of silence in respect of the earth and all of the wonderful things it's done for us over thousands of millions of years. 

Now putting that aside I would like to give you a quick update on what is to come. Over the next four days my parents and I will be receiving our family for Christmas. We're going to be ten people in our house and this is not one event I want to be forgotten as the years pass. So to keep the memory alive, I'm going to write a new post everyday about everything that has happened. This may or may not be very interesting depending on what will or will not happen over the next four days. 

So that everything is clear, here is the list of people contributing to this event:
  1. Me (Obviously, and no, my name is not obviously. ... obviously)
  2. Mum (Valentine)
  3. Dad (Olivier)
  4. Half cousin number one (Thao who is half Vietnamese, nine years old and incredibly cute)
  5. Half cousin number two (Thuan who is half Vietnamese, six years old, still believes in Santa and is also incredibly cute
  6. Half aunt (Celine who is the Mum of my cousins and the half sister of my Dad. She has the same Dad but not the same Mum)
  7. Grandma (Eliane but I call her Babouchka and she is the Mum of my Mum)
  8. Half aunt's Mum (Genevieve)
  9. Half aunt's half brother (Pierre Axel. I know this is getting confusing but stay with me. He has the same Mum as my half aunt but not the same Dad so I'm not related to him)
  10. Half aunt's half brother's girlfriend (Currently her name is unknown and so is her nationality...)
So I hope this wasn't too confusing (I know that I'm lifting my hopes up for no reason) but I thought it would be less confusing to tell you now instead of trying to explain it in the middle of the next posts... please leave a comment if you're still confused! I will be happy to help :) Unfortunately I can't post any pictures of them because 1. I either don't have pictures of them or have some but are not very recent and 2. because I am not allowed to post pictures of people. Personally, I think those are two pretty good reasons not to post pictures.

There you go, a somewhat quick update on what is coming up. Oh, and by the way (BTW for all you cool kids) tomorrow there will be two posts, one on our hasty preparations before everyone arrives/arrived (if you are reading this in the future which you probably are) and a post on the first day. 

ttfn :)

Monday, 10 December 2012

T Shirts

Suit up! OK, that was a really bad entrance but it was gonna be awkward otherwise... Anyway, a few weeks ago it was my friends birthday. Actually, it was two of my friends birthdays! So, for their birthday (this is like the third time i'm saying birthday in only three sentences...) I made them T Shirts! And they arrived today! (I know, I'm really late on the present giving thing but I did give them a small one before hand to wait! Check out my post called Movember if you want to know what it is!) I know this may not sound like the most amazing idea ever but if you're ever hesitating or don't know what to get for your friend/family member/annoying person who demands a present from you, a personalized T Shirt is a really great idea! 
You can do this in a few ways, you can:

  • Draw on a light colored T Shirt with special pens made to draw on fabric (these are usually found in toy shops for little kids. At least that's where I found mine...)
  • You can iron a picture on a blank T Shirt (I've never done it but my friend has... I would deeply recommend looking it up on the internet... mostly for security reasons and if you ever want to see that picture ever again.)
  • Or you can send it to a company where they print out your own personalized T Shirt. If you live in the US or Canada, there's this great side called where you can design sweaters, pants, hats, shirts, water bottles, anything! And they have a wide range of fonts and pictures you can use (in addition to your own). For people who live in other countries (like me), I went to a near by printer shop where they will gladly print your picture to a T Shirt. If that doesn't work you can use a little website I like to call Google!
So, as you may have guessed, I used the third option for my friends though in the past I would amuse myself with drawing pretty pictures on white shirts (if you have kids, this is a great activity to do at home!)

Here are the pictures of the finished shirts that I make for my friends Jiwon and Lea.





You can really be creative when you make these shirts for your friends/family/annoying person who demands a present from you! You can put a friendly message, an inside joke, a picture of their favorite band, anything! Another fun thing to do is to add a few "accessories" to it. Sew on buttons, ribbons, some fancy lace on the sleeves (this is more of a girly thing boys unless you really enjoy frilly ribbons on your shirts) anything to make it personal! If you want a more trashy look you can rip the sleeves or add something more rebellious... I don't know what that would be, that's why I put three little dots. 



P.S: For all of you who desire to see my shirt in action (which means being worn) then please go to my my friend's - Jiwon - Blog! Click on the MUSTACHIO (by mustachio I mean the word.... but not this one, the one before that). For all of you who are following my blog (thanks!!!) then you will have already found a link to her blog earlier on.... and now for the final word: Bye.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Pros and Cons on Winter

Winter is finally here! Yay!!

I woke up this morning to find the scenery coated with a thick layer of snow. This made me overly excited and anxious to kick some butt with a snowball fight except for one small detail... I woke up with a fever of 39 degrees (Celsius because last time I checked, I was European) and a huge headache.
What kind of person is sick on a snow day? Not me! At least that's what I thought but I was betrayed by... my body? I don't know... But still, I could be running around in my garden making failed snow angels (though they still look pretty to my eyes), bringing to life my half melted snow man or sledging down a half a meter hill. As dumb as it sounds, I still want to do all of those things. But, unfortunately, my body is warm enough to melt all the snow off our car (that, my friend, is a lot of snow!) in an instant and... I seem to be a little over attached to my bed... But, who isn't?
Anyway, so now I am going to make a list of the pros and cons about winter. Here it goes:


  • Snow Men
  • Snow Women
  • Snow Children (the list goes on...)
  • Snow Angels (snow devils?)
  • Snow ball fights (my personal  favorite!)
  • Hot Chocolate drowned in Whipped Cream
  • Thick Socks
  • Snow!
  • Ice Skating
  • Ice Fishing (didn't think of that one did you!)
  • Christmas! (or any other holiday you celebrate depending on your religion!)
  • The beautiful scenery
  • The Warm Fire Place
  • Holiday lights!
  • First Snow

  • Wet feet
  • Colds (way too many of those!)
  • Frostbite
  • Runny Nose
  • Fever (I am obviously not having a good time with that!)
  • Nostalgia of the summer
  • A lot of sneezing
  • Not attaining your New Years resolutions (you have to be a beast to be able to complete all of them! If you did though, well done!)
  • Annoying Christmas adverts on TV
  • Dirty snow on the Streets
  • Short Days or Long Nights
  • Bruises from Ice Skating (Though usually they're worth it!)
  • No Pretty Flowers :'(
So there is my list of pros and cons for the winter though I do love the winter... a lot! But like every other season, it has its down sides. I hope winter doesn't feel offended... I didn't mean to hurt you winter!

Anyway, while I fix winter's feelings, here are some pictures of the snow that I took. I wanted them to look something like this:

But my camera is incapable of taking nice pictures so they ended up like this:

And I just found out that all the others are blurry... Well, I at least hope you enjoyed this beautiful picture that I took (I am being sarcastic, please don't freak out) and that you have a lovely winter! 

Oh, and just before you leave, I would like to annoy you with the video of my favorite winter song! Bye!