Sunday 23 December 2012

Coming up...

Hi there!!!

Happy that all of you are still alive after the tragic death of the earth we have experienced on the 21st of December 2012. May there be a minute of silence in respect of the earth and all of the wonderful things it's done for us over thousands of millions of years. 

Now putting that aside I would like to give you a quick update on what is to come. Over the next four days my parents and I will be receiving our family for Christmas. We're going to be ten people in our house and this is not one event I want to be forgotten as the years pass. So to keep the memory alive, I'm going to write a new post everyday about everything that has happened. This may or may not be very interesting depending on what will or will not happen over the next four days. 

So that everything is clear, here is the list of people contributing to this event:
  1. Me (Obviously, and no, my name is not obviously. ... obviously)
  2. Mum (Valentine)
  3. Dad (Olivier)
  4. Half cousin number one (Thao who is half Vietnamese, nine years old and incredibly cute)
  5. Half cousin number two (Thuan who is half Vietnamese, six years old, still believes in Santa and is also incredibly cute
  6. Half aunt (Celine who is the Mum of my cousins and the half sister of my Dad. She has the same Dad but not the same Mum)
  7. Grandma (Eliane but I call her Babouchka and she is the Mum of my Mum)
  8. Half aunt's Mum (Genevieve)
  9. Half aunt's half brother (Pierre Axel. I know this is getting confusing but stay with me. He has the same Mum as my half aunt but not the same Dad so I'm not related to him)
  10. Half aunt's half brother's girlfriend (Currently her name is unknown and so is her nationality...)
So I hope this wasn't too confusing (I know that I'm lifting my hopes up for no reason) but I thought it would be less confusing to tell you now instead of trying to explain it in the middle of the next posts... please leave a comment if you're still confused! I will be happy to help :) Unfortunately I can't post any pictures of them because 1. I either don't have pictures of them or have some but are not very recent and 2. because I am not allowed to post pictures of people. Personally, I think those are two pretty good reasons not to post pictures.

There you go, a somewhat quick update on what is coming up. Oh, and by the way (BTW for all you cool kids) tomorrow there will be two posts, one on our hasty preparations before everyone arrives/arrived (if you are reading this in the future which you probably are) and a post on the first day. 

ttfn :)

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