Saturday 17 November 2012

Twit - a - woo

Did you hear that? I think it's the owl with my Hogwarts acceptance letter!!!

That's what I would have liked to say the day of my eleventh birthday but never did! I never understood why... Maybe I should send a quick e mail to Dumbledore and tell him that my letter hasn't arrived yet... BUT if you have a friend that is simply dying for theirs (like I do!) then here is a crafty solution just for you!!

You will be needing:

- White and yellow paper
- Paper in the color of your choice (this will be the color of your owl. I chose brown)
- A black Marker
- A metallic green pen
- A cream colored envelope
- Glue
- Scissors

1. Cut out the outline of the owl (without wings and feet) from the colored paper

2. Cut out the outline of your wings from the colored paper and an outline of a tail.

3. Cut out the feet outline from the yellow paper

4. Make an origami beak out of yellow paper. Click here for a tutorial. I cut out the edges of the beak to make it fit on my owl.

5. Cut out 2 large circles (eyes) from the white paper and 1 big oval (stomach)

6. Draw 1 small circle (pupils) in each white circle with a black marker to make the eyes. You can also draw small curved lines in the oval (see final image) in the oval for its stomach.

7. Stick the eyes and stomach onto your owl. Secondly, stick the beak right under the eyes. Then stick the wings and tail on the BACK of the owl.

8. Stick the feet just over halfway up your owl. DO NOT stick the toes!

9. Take your envelope and write on the outside the name and if you want their address with the metallic green pen. (e.g: Mr. Daniel Radcliffe  22 unknown street in a land far far away)

10. Finally stick the MIDDLE toe of each foot at the front of the envelope (where the name and address should be) and the outside toes at the back (where the flap is).

There! Now your friends can stop worrying about their letter and get on with their magical studies at home!


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